Amsterdam’s development as a smart city contributes to ambitious climate goals through technology-enabled sustainable solutions and changing behavior. A multinational company providing consulting and professional services has been instrumental to the city of Amsterdam in new concept development, prioritizing of initiatives, coordination of multiple partiers, and project initiations. A few examples from which install shore power connections for ships (ship to the grid) in Amsterdam harbor to allow green energy to replace polluting diesel generators onboard. Or minimize energy use without negatively impacting the functional and living comforts provided by the building to employees (ITO Tower/ ITO-toren). There are sensors that can register energy use and ensure lighting, heating, cooling are operated as much energy efficiency as possible. Or test smart technologies in 500 households to increase awareness of energy use (West Orange program).

Key Activities: Accelerating of climate/energy programs. Driven by smart technology and the need to bring about behavioral change



The unity of soul and mind is the path to happiness
The unity of soul and mind is so rare that it can literally be sold profitably. All masterpieces of culture and art are the essence of unity.




smart cities, space, science, technology, quantum, government, economics, SDG, municipal services, startups, influencers, brands, pioneers, innovator's dictionary, history, design