Augmented reality (AR) is a great technology that does not end up being far from Snapchat or Pokémon GO. It is becoming more and more important in various industries, from entertainment, medicine to construction. How will the widespread reality be successful this year?

Blending the worlds by Pokemon GO

Augmented reality is a technology in which real-world imagery is complemented or partially overlaid with digitally created objects. As an example, the Pokémon GO game, mentioned in the introduction: The camera of your phone captures a real picture of the supermarket in your street, where Bulbasaur digital appears suddenly. However, the potential of augmented reality is much larger and is not limited to entertainment.

Training and training of medical professionals without risk, the possibility to get in the car from point A to point B without having to look at the smartphone display, detailed product viewing at the other end of the world – that’s just a very small fraction of examples of the possibility of using augmented reality. The named examples are also the main reasons why widespread reality will be on the rise this year.

Application of augmented reality in medicine

The medical industry is one of the main drivers for the growth of widespread reality, especially for the huge potential in the field of education and training. Physicians can gain the ability to practice a variety of difficult or unusual procedures due to widespread reality without risking the patient’s life. The expanded reality can also mimic the “working” environment outside the walls of hospitals or medical faculties. AR as a learning tool will also allow doctors to create, share, show, and consult with professionals all over the world – even in real-time during interventions. 3D mapping combined with medical imaging techniques, such as an X-ray or a tomograph, could be of great benefit, which could greatly improve the accuracy and effectiveness of follow-up interventions.


With augmented reality, the automotive industry is also playing. Manufacturers such as Mazda are testing some special models of their cars to launch special head-up displays. As the name implies, it is an imaging device, displaying in the car on the windshield at the eye of the driver various important information about the current traffic situation or navigation. This enhancement also brings safety benefits because, unlike traditional navigation, it does not force the driver to follow the road.


If we want to promote a product or service, it must be fun and informative for potential customers. These augmented reality conditions meet perfectly. Marketers are well aware of this and are starting to use AR more and more in their campaigns. For example, TopGear Magazine, Coca-Cola, or Netflix, in collaboration with Snapchat, used augmented reality. Due to the widespread reality, the potential customer in the subject is more “immersed”, not just a passive observer, and the promoted producer or service will hit him in ahead with much greater intensity. Investing in augmented reality is certainly not unnecessary or short-sighted. The potential that AR offers for creating, interacting, developing, and teaching are insignificant and of great importance for the future.



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