Global Marketing – marketing of global organizations that operate by treating the entire world as one big market.
It assumes free movement of services, products, and labor, as well as material values based on the principle of “transparency” of state borders. The first step in its implementation is the realization of the project of a united Europe. The Pan-European Cooperation Plan provides, in particular, various forms of cooperation and coordination of library activities, which are based on the “Action Plan for the Libraries of the European Community “1. An important aspect and prerequisite for global marketing is the use of common standards, allowing to operate with common concepts and to achieve the same high level of quality (for example, compliance with the rules of bibliographic description of printed and audiovisual materials, a standardized format for the exchange of bibliographic and factual information in an automated mode, requirements for training and professional development of library workers, etc.).
Global marketing – multinational marketing, characterized by the globality of production and marketing tasks. It is essentially for transnational companies, covering the market territories of a large number of countries.
It is associated with the marketing activities of the largest firms and transnational corporations in the world on, a global scale and includes strategies for the development and formation of world markets, regardless of national borders and territories according to standardized marketing programs.
Allows various companies to expand the range of consumers at the expense of foreign markets. But due to its complexity, global marketing requires special care in planning and practical implementation.
International marketing can be global and multinational. If a company is focused on the similarity of characteristics of individual foreign markets when choosing a target market, it chooses the concept of global marketing. In this case, a standardized marketing mix is developed. Standardization covers the product, advertising, and distribution channels, which, naturally, provides a significant reduction in costs. Such companies are called international. As a rule, their international marketing is built on the principle of ethnocentrism, i.e. the possibility of using the same methods in foreign markets as in the country of goods origin. In essence, these companies expand the national market to the international market, and for this single market offer a standardized product.