Innovative and smart solutions are available in some cities while in others the uptake is low because the impacts of these solutions have not been objectively verified and there is a lack of confidence that the solutions can also be applied in other contexts and cities. This transition can be speeded up by enabling a progress monitor by means of a common performance measurement framework and real-time monitoring technologies. The aim of a city operating system is to combine city-level operation with cooperation between local sub-systems in order to monitor performance.

City systems help to monitor progress and optimize processes

The aim of a city system is to combine city-level operation with cooperation between different local systems in order to monitor performance and optimize processes. Intelligence and interoperable interfaces are added between separate systems, e.g. lighting systems, the energy grid, and mobility systems, in order to input information from these into the city decision-making services. Available solutions are often offline and ad-hoc, not replicable or suitable for comparisons between cities. The new developments in fused sensing, data monitoring technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) are keys to the efficient and real-time collection of “raw” information from various sources that are then enriched into information through KPI calculations and further into decision-making services.

The performance measurement system meta-data model and calculation methodologies are based on:

  • Defining the required data sets to be collected based on the specified indicators
  • Identifying available data sources, their reliability, accessibility, and data models
  • Specifying the collection system and calculation methodologies for the performance measurements
  • Integration into the system of intelligence and interoperability interfaces between separate systems, input specifications, and calculation methodology
  • Development of user-friendly interface and information visualization.

The development and implementation of city operating systems will impact the transition to low-carbon, resource-efficient cities by creating the necessary framework for performance assessment of the deployment of smart city technologies. It will enable progress monitoring by means of a common performance measurement framework and real-time monitoring technologies. This will allow cities to move towards a sustainable transformation while spending less public resources and improving services offered to their citizens. Furthermore, it will support planning and procurement processes, allowing the stakeholders to access and compare different solutions and planning scenarios and thus impacting the deployment of the most suitable ones.



The unity of soul and mind is the path to happiness
The unity of soul and mind is so rare that it can literally be sold profitably. All masterpieces of culture and art are the essence of unity.




smart cities, space, science, technology, quantum, government, economics, SDG, municipal services, startups, influencers, brands, pioneers, innovator's dictionary, history, design