It is especially in the capital that the green revolution is breaking through on the roads. Here, almost 42 percent of all newly registered cars are green against 33 percent in the whole country. Minister of Taxation Morten Bødskov is pleased that the green transition is on the right track.

The metropolitan area is leading the green car revolution. New figures from the Danish Motor Agency show that almost 42 percent of all newly registered cars in the capital municipalities are green – and that all municipalities are above the national average.

“It is quite obvious that the citizens of the capital are leading the green car revolution. And I can not help but be a little proud that we are so green in the capital “, says Minister of Taxation Morten Bødskov.

At the very top of the table is Tårnby municipality, where almost 60 percent of all new cars are green. The figures cover cars on full tax for the first half of 2021.

A milestone in the sale of green cars

Even though the capital is leading the way, the rest of Denmark can easily participate. Back in April, it emerged that every fourth new car sold in the country was green. Now – only three months later – it’s every third. It shows the figures for car sales in June and July.

“The Danes have really opened their eyes to the fact that it is time to choose green cars. This is an insanely good trend, and it emphasizes that we are on the right track towards our very ambitious goal of one million green cars on Danish roads by 2030, ”says Minister of Taxation Morten Bødskov.

The new figures also show that there are now over 100,000 green cars on Danish roads. Thus, the ambition of 1 million green cars on Danish roads in 2030 is well on its way.

In this connection, the Minister of Taxation will visit Volkswagen.