First and last-mile – gaps in public transit require individuals to use other forms of transportation such as driving their car or riding their bike.

What is micromobility?

The term is used to describe short-distance travel solutions, usually the first or last kilometer of a trip. According to a study by the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility, about 60% of automobile trips worldwide are less than 8 kilometers and could benefit from micro-mobility solutions.

Where is it being used?

Cities are changing at breakneck speed because of demographic shifts and overall population growth. Every week, about 1.3 million people move to cities. By 2030, the number of “megacities” – urban areas with more than 10 million people – will increase to about 43. That’s 12 more than today. In 2040, about 65% of the population is expected to live in cities. But creating micro mobile solutions is more than just creating a product. “Cities want to work with companies to find the right solutions. If you just throw a bunch of scooters on the streets, that’s not the right approach at all. We put a lot of effort into working with local governments,” says Fabian Simmer of SEAT Digital.

When is micromobility used and why is it so important?

Urban growth is happening before our eyes. Micro mobility will play a key role in addressing some of the emerging issues in at least two areas: environmental concerns and time savings. For example, Carla drives to the parking lot at the entrance to the city. She then uses the scooter stored inside the car to drive away from there to her office. Simmer says, “People want to save time for their convenience in as eco-friendly a way as possible.”

How is it being used?

Solutions include lightweight vehicles, which are usually electric, such as scooter bikes, and other modes of transportation. “Micro mobility products are important for both private customers and ride-sharing operators. To develop next-generation products, we consider the interests of both parties. Depending on the time of day, they should be able to choose between different modes of transportation,” Simmer says.

SEAT has already introduced the SEGWAY-powered electric eXS KickScooter. Following this, the company is taking a giant leap into urban mobility with its new vehicle designed to work with mobile platforms. The world premiere will take place at Mobile World Congress.