Why is a child born crying? He has lost the Word, and he must learn to speak in order to find his way back to the spiritual realm. One’s entire life is devoted to finding the lost Word; in other words, one must learn to speak. Where and in what form, for what purpose is sound stored?

The most significant task for all explorers of the Universe is to understand the nature of conscious perception of the world and how this perception is stored in memory. The main instrument of cognition of the world and the formation of consciousness is sound like a word or a name. The real concept of sound as a phenomenon of nature is much broader than its modern representation in science. People lose the Word or the ability to speak at birth; this is the loss of the Word, the loss of a harmonious connection with nature. Man’s life is dedicated to learning to speak and learning the laws of nature through sound, the Word. Thus, through learning to speak, man finds the Word lost at birth, resurrects his Spirit. Since sound is stored in the memory structure in the form of a closed flow of electric charges, all the desires of the memory structure and their satisfaction are expressed through the spoken sound or word, in a general case through the vibrations of the magnetic field, the thought that generates the magnetic sound.

The fractal structure of the world and the diversity of natural structures

Our natural world is fractal, constantly changing, dynamic, and essentially electromagnetic in structure. The shape of the structure of material objects depends on their manifestation in various electromagnetic effects and dynamic processes. Dynamics in the beauty of real material objects, their harmony were perceived by people when observing nature. At the time of Pythagoras, harmony began to be understood as a universal law of nature, that is, the world is harmony. The Pythagorean school developed mathematical ideas of harmony: symmetry, geometric mean, pentagram, and proportion, known as the golden ratio or the golden section.

The fractal structures geometry

Man always tends to discover and learn from his environment. In his observation, learning, designing process, he has experienced adaptation, and he developed skills to provide his needs by imitating, interpreting, and using the opportunities of nature. At the end of the 19th century, Antoni Gaudí, impressed by the forest atmosphere, designed the interiors for his masterpiece with a contemplative atmosphere, the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. A century later, biomimetic architecture emerged, a modern movement whose adherents sought to embody the beauty of nature in buildings. Advances in digital technology and the recent invention of 3D printing have allowed architects to use forms and structures inspired by the natural world in their work. Some time ago, such a thing would have been impossible! Biomimetics or bionic, which became a separate branch of science a few decades ago, originally borrowed only forms from nature but now gravitates toward a nature- and environment-driven understanding of how nature responds to its environment and how humans can follow its example.

Similarities between natural and man-made structures can be observed from the very beginning of humankind in many engineering and architectural designs. The scales, functions, and processes observed in nature can be different, but constraints and objectives are the same in what man creates as functionality, optimization, and cost-effectiveness. Nature exhibits a diverse variety of structures, and in most cases, the form and visual qualities of nature’s animate or inanimate forms are tightly coupled with the structural system undergoing several internal and external loads. One of the first environmentally progressive buildings in London was 30 St. Mary Axe, the iconic British skyscraper better known as The Gherkin.

The fractal structures gherkin

The 180-meter tower was completed in 2004 and is the first to claim the title of an ecological skyscraper. The ventilation system is based on the analogy of sea sponges and anemones – they get their nutrients from seawater, which they pass through their own bodies. The foundation of the building is an exoskeletal grid shell structure that allows air to pass through the entire building. This load-bearing building structure has been typical in progressive architecture since the late 19th century. Thus, structures in nature exhibiting incredible lightness and yet rigidity with forms having the capacity to endure internal and external forces in an optimum way are always a source of inspiration for many progressive architects and engineers. When the interaction between nature and architecture is studied, it can easily be seen that the interventions between what architects design and what nature has, are very complicated, ranging from materials to construction techniques, from structural systems to aesthetics.

In the tradition of Hinduism, the Yantra is a visual image of energy that affects the mind in a particular way. Looking into their drawing, one’s mind begins to perceive the world differently. What is considered to be reality recedes, and an abstract vision of the environment opens up.

The fractal structures yantra

Images applied to yantras form complex geometric structures whose overall structure must be clear and symmetrical. Yantras are a combination of three principles: form, function, and energy, and are created by combining various geometric shapes and patterns that teach the mind the power of concentration and focus. Yantras are believed to be primarily designed to reveal the inner basis of the forms and patterns that abound in the Universe. The human body is considered the most perfect and powerful of all yantras and is seen as an instrument for inner awareness. Just as, regardless of appearance, the inner basis of material objects is made up of atoms, every “formal” aspect of the world can be expressed as a yantra. Just as the scientist bases the final picture of the world on simple atomic structures in which the central forms appear as a harmonizing “whole,” so Indian yogis attempt to identify the inner structure of the Universe by concentrating on the colorful pictures of the world through yogic vision and reduction to simple forms. In addition, in meditation, yantras are supplemented by mantras reflecting the cosmic-creative vibration.

Сhladni patterns

In 1680, the English physicist Robert Hooke sprinkled flour on a plate, ran his bow along the edge of the plate, and noticed that the flour took on amazing geometric shapes from the resonating plate. One hundred years later, the German physicist Ernst Chladni perfected these initial experiments by Hooke and found that the sand poured on a flat metal plate collects in bizarre patterns when he passed on the edge of the plate with a violin bow. Under the influence of sound, the pressure of sound waves and vibrations, a random scattering of sand on a sheet of glass or other plate begins to line up in precise geometric patterns. Moreover, the shape of the pattern directly depends on the frequency of the sound. He investigated these patterns on plates of different thicknesses and materials, both square and round. The scientist carefully recorded his research, sketched the resulting patterns, and published them in his book “Discoveries in the Theory of Sound”. Today such figures are known as Chladni figures or nodal patterns.

The fractal structures chladni

The phenomenon was explained qualitatively almost half a century later by the English physicist Michael Faraday. In science history, Ernst Chladni is known primarily as the founder of experimental acoustics. But he also discovered the field of natural science, which was formed at the junction of astronomy, physics, chemistry, mineralogy, and meteorology, which revolutionized the world’s astronomical picture. It is worth noting that before the end of the 18th century, many separate works on acoustics had already appeared. Studies of chord and dissonance, measurements of sound velocity, mathematical deductions of the shapes of oscillating strings – belonged at various times to the favorites of physicists. Daniel Bernoulli, Leonhard Euler, Johann Heinrich Lambert, Vincenzo Riccati, and other famous names could be heard in this connection. But acoustics still lacked an exhaustive, systematic elaboration, as, for example, mechanics or optics have repeatedly done. Such a comprehensive elaboration of acoustics as a distinct and separate discipline of physics was first done by Chladni. In quantum mechanics, Chladni figures are known to be related to the solutions of the Schrödinger equation for one-electron atoms, and the mathematics describing them was used by Erwin Schrödinger to arrive at the understanding of electron orbitals.

Chladni’s discoveries in acoustics are used in various fields. His research gave rise to new science, Cymatics, which studies the effects of sound and vibration on the environment. Based on his studies of cymatics of sound, attempts are now being made to explain some questions of Chaos theory. So far, nodal patterns are particularly fascinating to artists because they provide them with many patterns to interpret. For now, another usage as music therapy is quite rudimentary, where the controlled tuning of a tone or chord is used to treat affected areas of the body with music. The Chladni figures, named after their discoverer, formed the basis of Meara O’Reilly’s work. But as it is the 21st century and not the 19th century, of course, one could not do without using technology: instead of a bow, a sound generator is used, connected to a plate with the help of electronics. And what is its role, you may ask?

The fact is that Meara O’Reilly is a sound designer in Northern California working on perception and new musical interfaces. She also writes musical compositions that determine the patterns that the salt scattered on the surface of the plate forms. She also performs as a singer who combines creativity with science in her musical experiments and has made a career exploring the often baffling ways the human brain perceives sound. In O’Reilly’s own words, she was often confronted with the need to make the invisible aspects of sound visible. Because in such a visual culture, it is very easy for people to perceive what they hear as an unchanging reality, when in fact, everything is much more subjective and malleable. And many listeners have assumed that the spatial effects they hear in music are the result of panning, but they are the result of cognitive processes.

Spatial lattices of crystals

A French physicist and one of the founders of crystallography Auguste Bravais developed a mathematical doctrine of spatial lattices of crystals in the middle of the 19th century, which we still use today. He established that the entire variety of crystal structures can be described by 14 types of lattices consisting of unlimitedly small, equal parallelepipeds adjacent to each other by equal sides and filling space without gaps.

These lattices, named Bravais lattice, are distinguished by the symmetry of the unit cell, i.e., the ratio between its edges and angles and their centrality. They play a crucial role in crystallography, and the crystal structure of any mineral can be characterized using one of such lattices. With the help of sets of corresponding symmetry elements, it is possible to describe not only the ideal form of a crystal, presenting it in a stereographic projection, but also the 7 crystal systems, 14 Bravais lattice, and symmetry of crystal structure relative to the point that is the beginning of coordinates of a unit cell. However, we should not think that the entire lattice, and therefore the crystal, is mechanically composed of elementary cells, like a house of bricks. If this were so, there would be only seven different forms of crystal polyhedrons. In fact, these forms are much more.

The fractal structures crystals

Complexity and variety of processes of nucleation, formation, formation of crystals affect their shape. But it is very important that all these forms, according to the size of angles and ratio of sides lengths, that is in 3D dimension, can be reduced to 7 coordinate systems: triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, hexagonal, rhombohedral, tetragonal, and cubic, and according to the character of repetition of the main structural motif – to 14 types of the crystal lattice. And herein lies the great benefit of the systematics that the Bravais lattices allow us to make. Oscillations of atoms in a crystal represent quantum harmonic oscillators. In physics, the harmonic oscillator model plays an important role, especially in the study of small oscillations of systems near a stable equilibrium position. One example of such oscillations in quantum mechanics is the specified oscillations of atoms in solids.

Identity of the concepts “crystal” and “life”

At the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the attention of scientists began to be drawn to studies of self-organizing systems, in particular, the study of crystallization of biological fluids. Earlier it was considered that a crystal usually serves as a symbol of inanimate nature. However, in recent years studies have established that the boundary between living and nonliving is established with great difficulty, and the concepts of “crystal” and “life” are not mutually exclusive. Crystals and the living organism can be presented as examples of the realization of extreme possibilities in nature. Atoms, molecules, and their mutual arrangement in space can remain unchanged for a certain period of time in a formed crystal. Exchange processes in a living organism are accompanied by the decomposition of complex chemical compounds into simpler ones and synthesis, consisting of simple, complex compounds. This takes place in a liquid or liquid crystalline environment with the lowest energy consumption. At the same time, the living organism remains itself for decades. At the same time, many of its biopolymers retain their liquid crystalline state during the life of a living organism, but the texture of these liquid crystals is continuously changing.

The fractal structures water

The human body can be schematically represented as a certain vacuum volume filled mainly with solutions like water. Water is a liquid crystal capable of changing its properties during freezing, saturation with metal ions, exposure to electric current of different voltage and frequencies. The combination of these influences with an application of magnetic fields increases the number of possible qualitative states of water up to infinity. It turned out that many factors influence the freezing rate of water and the shape of ice crystals – temperature difference, mineral composition, presence of a certain type of microorganisms. It turned out that water resonates with the geomagnetic field of the Earth, the Moon’s positions, and the Sun’s activity. Infrasonic waves are an essential factor of impact on living organisms. Infrasound from natural sources such as the sea surface during storms, volcanic eruptions, strong thunderstorms, and sources resulting from human activities such as metro trains, airplanes, and rockets, various explosions are not indifferent to humans.

The crystal structure is a physical reality describing the specific arrangement in the space of material particles. Thus, the crystal structure can be viewed, on the one hand, as a combination of the spatial lattice and the material contents of its nodes, on the other hand. To control the properties of crystals and artificially fabricate new crystalline bodies, it is necessary to know the laws to which these bodies obey. Fundamental research in chemical technology has made it possible to obtain nanocrystalline and super-microcrystalline materials with grain size less than 1 micromillimeter, possessing a complex of special physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. They can be successfully used in extreme operating conditions – at low temperatures, in the zone of intensive radiation, in heavily loaded constructions, and in aggressive environments. Modern research has explained how various forms of crystalline water arise, predicted the total number of various ice crystals or the previously unknown pattern of ice crystal formation.

It is possible that a deeper knowledge of various existing structures, both sound and visual, natural and, in particular, crystal structure, will allow a man to approach the issues of self-knowledge and self-development more consciously. And with this will be connected technological development of humankind and redirection to a new, improved road in the question of existence in the scale of the Universe. Most likely, sooner or later, an algorithm of quick information transfer between existing worlds through xD visualization through once again crystal structure will be found.

Quantum mechanics speaks about anomalous dispersion of light on the way of the light wave passing through a substance by many atoms, about forced excitation of atoms, but does not recognize atoms as living entities. It is often repeated that the laws of the microcosm are different from the laws of the macrocosm, but in reality, the law of nature is the same for all. There is an evident deficiency in the scientific worldview here. It is necessary to understand the meaning and role of sound and light, understand its circulation in the living process, and understand through the structure of these phenomena. Light – Crystal – Yantra – Li – accession to the Source of the center of the entire Universe or a similar reverse reversal process? Perhaps decoding the yet unknown to us algorithm will go through the unstabilized structure of the essential substance for all living beings on Earth.

Water plays this role in the global circulation of substances and energy, which serves as a measure of the transition of matter from one form to another and the origin and maintenance of life on Earth in the chemical structure of living organisms. It is known that a crystal is a single body in which each structural particle interacts with other particles and lives with them in common interests. Together all particles form their “universe” – volumetric cellular structure in the form of a crystal lattice. The principle of a single simple, specifying and providing a diversity of the complex manifests itself in the structure of the whole Universe, from human and animal genome, when a single cell of a living organism contains information about the entire life cycle of the organism, up to cosmic mega objects.