Information surrounds and creates us throughout our lives and is also one of the most important parts of our development. Information (and information search) may be more important and more effective than weapons of mass destruction.
The information can influence the behavior of the individual as well as large masses of people, which greatly show the beginnings and the course of wars. Whoever has the information has the power – that was true earlier and it is still valid, albeit in a slightly different context.
Limited offline beginnings
If we look at the early beginnings of searching, collecting, and sorting information, we can certainly present the library as an example. Books in limited numbers are deployed in a limited space with the basic sorting of areas.
If you need to find out any information you need to be physically on-site. If you are lucky, the question will have a clear character and you will remove all the books in which the information could be from the appropriate library section. Theoretically, you can almost read it, and if you have more luck you will get the answer. It will take a long time.
Otherwise, you may also have bad luck and the information will not be found in any of your library books. In the worst case, the answer was never published in a book. You have to solve the answer yourself, which can take your whole life.
The length of your life is limited, and if you have many of these questions, you can easily spend it in books to find answers or solutions that somebody else has solved and solved within the planet.
Data collection and machine indexing by computer
In the past century, advanced machines – computers that made it relatively easy to store information and look for them in various ways – emerged within the technological development of our civilization. For example, you can see the whole history of “before Google” on Search Engine History. The path to the worldwide popular Google was really long.
Google has begun indexing information on web pages where people uploaded information, later books and other forms have also come. Initially, the search was primitive, and the answer to the question you had to find in the mismatch of the results on the words you entered.
This form of information search continues to this day, but a large number of filters have been added to allow relevant information to be accessed earlier and to reduce the time required to read all pages, similar to books in the library.
You can view the results of sites (sites) where information could have been based on time, language, and place, or you could choose different categories and types of information such as pictures, videos, and so on.
Although the response time has dropped rapidly compared to the library, it is still necessary to spend time and solve (using your own “brain time”) where the answer to the question is actually. Sometimes such a time can be really long.
Information time of collection and chaos
A person wants the answer as soon as possible, so he usually searches for only the first results. Their ranking is getting better with advanced relevance algorithms, but it’s also a site where “SEO optimizers” attack. In an ideal world, everything would be perfectly sorted by value and truth; but in such a world we do not live, everyone is fighting for their own “position”.
Over the course of time, however, the first specialized species began to appear from this disordered competing form of information gathering, which began to have classified information and were subject to certain rules. The end of chaos. As an example, Wikipedia, IMDB and others can be mentioned.
Faster and more accurate answers with AI
With the growth of these species, which we can see similar to the species of organisms in evolution that are adapted to certain areas and for a particular environment, the next phase of the search for answers could be developed.
You no longer have to try to choose words that could lead to an answer, but you directly ask a question, just as you would ask it to the second omniscient man. You will get a very fast and clearly quite accurate answer.
Here begins the era of Google Now, Siri, or Quorum, which you can see as an artificial intelligence linked to these specialized species like Wikipedia, WolframAlpha, and so on. Their intelligence is not yet good enough to do what the human brain can handle over the chaotic data from a simple search, but in the field of specialized and properly compiled information, they can find a response, even though it involves the necessity of context and analysis of connections.
In the future, we will not search Google or the List as we know it today. We will not waste time by searching for a response in the chaos of indexed pages of varying quality. A custom search can be considered as a reward that will be replaced by “Watson” across apple or Google platforms.
AI, coupled with specialized systems, can provide us with a satisfactory response and more complex forms that would require hours of human work with search, use of excellence, or programming for statistics or calculations. interactions with your computer will not provide such intervention (Google Glass, etc.), at least in a general scale.
Even today, systems and technology are still available for decades, but they have a very small share of the population. Typically, those who have “grown-up” on the technology and have not given up on speed or more comfortable control of newer forms.
The simplest and faster form also means negative consequences from the point of view of self-control and selection that we pass on to artificial intelligence. But this transition has begun long ago, with the beginning of the first machines that have begun to perform our operations in the simplest form, and their skills are only continually expanding.