The application field of SK Telecom’s quantum encryption communication technology is expanding significantly from design data for hydrogen vehicle parts to personal information held by public institutions and various private data.

The ‘SKB Consortium’, consisting of SK Telecom SK Broadband, ID Quantique (IDQ), and UR Information Technology, has won a number of national projects for the construction and operation of a pilot infrastructure for quantum cryptographic communication. It was revealed on the 25th.

This project was ordered by the Korea Intelligent Information Society Promotion Agency (NIA) supervised by the Ministry of Science and ICT as part of the ‘Digital New Deal’.

In addition, the ‘SKB Consortium’ is adopted as a provider of heterogeneous quantum cryptographic communication network construction and operation, and as a performer of the ITU-T SG17 compatibility standardization project between quantum cryptographic communication and various security technologies.

The’Quantum Cryptographic Communication Demonstration Infrastructure’ project ordered by the ‘SKB Consortium’ is to establish quantum cryptographic communication in the communication network of nine sections of seven institutions, including Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, Peace Holdings, Korea University K-Bio Center, and ADT Caps.

The’SKB Consortium’ secured the largest project of the ‘Quantum Cryptographic Communication Demonstration Infrastructure’, which was recognized for its differentiated technology accumulated while leading the quantum cryptography field.

The’SKB Consortium’ plans to apply quantum cryptographic communication technology to secure the stability of emergency communication networks in key industrial facilities such as nuclear power plants this year and to strengthen the protection of core data and personal information held by public institutions.

In particular, in the private sector, it will be applied to Pyung Hwa Holdings, which develops hydrogen vehicle component design technology, to protect the hydrogen vehicle core technology. In the medical field, it will be applied to Korea University’s K-Bio Center to verify the performance of quantum cryptography in Korea’s first cloud-based medical system. In addition, it is used to protect personal information data acquired by autonomous robots at Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital.

It is also applied to the protection of security video data held in the ADT Caps Integrated Control Center to thoroughly protect customer information.

SKT also builds and operates a heterogeneous quantum cryptographic communication network for the ‘Super-Connected Intelligent Research and Development Network (KOREN)’ ordered by NIA.

The’KOREN’ network is an integrated research and testing network to verify the national future network technology and applied services.

SKT will install a Q-SDN (Quantum Cryptographic Network Software Defined Networking) controller and promote efficient integrated control to enable integrated control of different quantum cryptographic communication networks built on the’KOREN’ network.

In particular, this attempt is expected to be an important opportunity for the spread of B2B quantum cryptography in that it is the first to control and operate heterogeneous quantum cryptographic communications on the national test network.

SKT will monitor the state of the quantum cryptographic network through the Q-SDN controller, and open the collected data to specialized organizations to promote the revitalization of the quantum cryptography-related ecosystem.

In this regard, SKT plans to apply the international standard related to Q-SDN controller proposed by the European Telecommunication Standards Association (ETSI), which is expected to help secure the international competitiveness of domestic quantum cryptographic communication.

ITU-T quantum cryptographic communication compatibility standardization project adopted

‘ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Division)’, which can be said to be the international stage of quantum cryptographic communication network standardization, is also showing success.

In SG (Study Group) 17, a security research conference under the ITU-T, held until the end of April, SKT proposed and adopted a technical report standardization task that deals with the compatibility between quantum cryptographic communication and various security technologies.

In addition, SKT led the establishment of Question 15 under SG17, a working group for future security research, and was appointed as the chairman of the working group (Rapporteur), which was recognized for its strong will to lead the future cryptography field.

SKT Min-Yong Ha, head of the innovation suite, said, “We are deeply thinking that quantum cryptographic communication can make a wide contribution across industries and private sectors beyond major national facilities where security is the top priority.” We plan to advance the related technology so that we can live our daily lives in the ICT environment.”