YC Service and the NYC Citizens Committee have applied for 2019 Love Your Block program to support residents in transforming public spaces and recruiting volunteers to make local changes. Twenty-five community groups will be selected as Love Your Block winners and will receive a $1,000 grant, project management support, and services from city agencies to improve their neighborhoods. Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, Nov. 7.


To support residents and engage volunteers from neighboring neighborhoods in transforming public spaces


They invite residents to join groups and submit community improvement projects, such as transforming shared recreation spaces or creating community vegetable gardens.
The 25 program winners will receive grants for projects and neighborhood transformation assistance.
They will be able to participate in project planning as well as enlist the support of two of the four participants in the draft chapters (environmental, parks and recreation, sanitation and transportation).

Chapters are willing to give:

  • Pest control services;
  • Graffiti removal;
  • Repair and installation of streetlights and streetlights;
  • Traffic safety survey;
  • Installation of bike racks and others.

There are requirements for applicants: ability to recruit 20 volunteers, working with the two respective departments to benefit the community.

2018 Project Announcement.
$1,000 project development grant for awardees
Over the past 10 years, the program has helped 260 groups improve more than 400 locations


State: targeted allocation of resources
Citizens: improvement of common areas

New York