Technology transforms the search for the counterpart, the artificial intelligence of courtship, and the relationship itself. Emotions will be more transparent, instincts can represent calculations. Partnering in science can give, within twenty years, the form of an efficient process that saves time and energy.

When Internet dating came in the nineties, nobody told them, according to Forbes magazine, a lot of chances. In March 2017, 56 percent of US internet users and 36 percent of users experienced it. In other words, no matter what the online introduction of the point of despair, alienation, cowardice, or dehumanization, the company conquered. “Technology is being promoted as an architect of our intimacy,” says senior American psychologist Sherry Turkle. Other experts agree. In their visions, getting acquainted with the future relies on DNA matching as well as formulas, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

Genes are looking for genes

“It will not be sexy and will be brutally effective,” summarizes its insights into the future of online dating Gizmodo. His analysis also looks threatening, which tells us what they know about us, how they present us, and why our potential counterparts choose algorithms for dating sites like Tinder, eMatch, OkCupid, or applications like LoveFlutter. However, the future of human pairing is to be under even tougher data. First of all, there are biotechnologies that can singles save time and energy and deliver counterparts better matching requirements. Yes, DNA can unlock humanity and solve the mystery of attraction, the study of the and Imperial College Business School is spreading when it outlines the future of dating in 2040. Her authors, along with others, believe that it is DNA that can attract us. If the data on the client’s DNA lists were matched into algorithms, they could be backed by potential partners with a greater chance of lending a hand in the sleeve. Futurista Ross Dawson adds that data about their customers’ DNA are already using GenePartner or Pheramor. However, the eHarmony study offers technophiles even more optimism: while the DNA analysis came in at £ 52 million in 2003, it is estimated to be just £ 650 in 2040.

The dating market demands a transparent life and emotion

But it’s not just about genes, it’s better to help with careful monitoring of our daily activities, habits, behavior. We often report on how often we go to beer and how often we engage in dating applications either in questionnaires, or they find it themselves, for example, from social networks. But what is called the Internet of Things will bring hyperlinks: we will not be able to deny or tamper with it. Measuring devices coupled with the dating algorithm, however, also analyze how we respond to different situations. Are we compassionate? Shy? The algorithm may know better than we ourselves need. This opens the door for “big data” to benefit from our relationships and sex life. And that will allow our personal life to become measurable. Measurable, like factory production, a skeptic, while a technology optimist sees the promise of a better life. “Sex and relationships are new fertile areas for measurement. Big data will provide insights into why relationships work and fail, “says Sparks & Honey’s Terry Young, who is predicting trends. Emotions will not be recorded for analysis only. Because of the more transparent social contacts, people will wear “badges” that will report on our emotional mood: Am I in the bar just to drink, or am I open to getting acquainted? Do I enjoy chatting or bored? A possible starter from this menu can be the UnderSkin project from New Deal Design. At the end of it, a device implanted under the skin and which should light up like a “tattoo” should be given to reporting on the current health and emotional condition of its wearer. For example, if you touch his hand and give sympathy, it will tell you the tattoo in the form of a pictogram expressing the emotion of love, says Business Insider. Very practical.

Let’s feel more open. But how?

Futurist Heather Schlegel would not agree with that sarcasm. And her gaze can not just be thrown out of the table, because it goes in a more sophisticated way, not just to the labels “I feel villy” or “let me sneak in the sea”. Schlegel talks about visions in the future in a more abstract but inspirational way. It’s about emotional communication. It would, he argued, make people easier to relate to relationships, to clarify and strengthen the bonds.

It refers to the 2013 study, which determines which parts of the body people feel like emotions: for example, happiness passes through the whole body, but most of the head and chest, anger also overheats arms and hands. That’s hopeful, Schlegel said, meaning that emotional reactions can be recorded with smart devices and, as information, pass on to the environment. She is honest, however, and she knows that it would not be that far. “From the physical perspective, we know where the emotions we feel. But what intensity? And do I feel lucky just like you? And love? Fear? Anger? “He asks, answering:” We do not know. We do not have the basic emotional alphabet. ” Therefore, her prognosis is ultimately skeptical, without emotional speech we can not read the communication about our inner states.

Real date. But with help

Do not waste time and do not limit yourself to reality, space, distances, just about futuristic relationships being fixed. Why could not a date happen virtually? And even here, they can lean on real trends: contacts through the internet face-to-face expel. And to a fatal extent, Jean Twenge’s metastasis meta-studies from last year. It has its reasons. Meeting the internet means that you will end up with a fantasy – you can imagine your acquaintance almost as you want. And you do not just want to come to your idea, so you’re delaying the real meeting, Bea Arthur’s therapist explains. True date, however, does not only mean the risk of a dream break but also a challenge: you have to invent a strategy, show courage and charm, risk rejecting. This is why supporters of virtual reality can afford in their predictions sparse self-assurance: people will not want to give up the burden of virtual reality as it will belong. Moreover, they predict that technology will meet them. The Imperial College Business School study states that by 2040 virtual reality will cover all senses, smell, taste, and touch. Technology, however, is to be helpful even if a real shot is still to happen. In their old-fashioned form, which included embarrassing silences, communication faux passports, and precarious terrain, we may be forgotten in twenty years. On the date, we will have not only the other but also our guide, counselor, help – artificial intelligence. Data processing and analysis will be so advanced and fast to give you real-time support on a date. Let’s be specific: let you know what topics to talk about, what jokes you bet, whether to drink more or less alcohol. Artificial intelligence will be your Cyrano of Bergerac, Ross Dawson adds. Its roles, however, should not be exhausted only at the first meetings. The relationship should go further, suggesting its milestones, such as the timing of marriage or the birth of a child. It’s supposed to protect us from scratch. But if it does happen, science will do otherwise, with its knowledge of the biology of relationships.

Pills of love, from doctor to prescription

“Do not buy a dog, but try to spend a weekend away from home at the hotel once in a while. In three weeks we will tell if anything has changed. And something else here’s the recipe: both of you take the pill in the morning after the meal. “So he could get off the sister therapist for affiliate relations in 2038. Affiliate life on powders? Science suggests this. Although the relationship can destroy social, cultural, and economic factors, neuroscience is increasingly clear that love is based in the brain, says Gizmodo. And with reference to the research, he adds that with the knowledge of the human brain, the science of love can be given a helping hand. Maybe a bit shaky, in her palm she’ll be offering psychopharmaceuticals. It is written by the Oxford neuroscientists Julian Savulescu and Anders Sandberg. Their study identifies substances that can support the volume as “modulators of love”. There are six of them, including cortikoliberin hormones, oxytocin and vasopressin, testosterone, pheromones, and entactogens. They can do something, one substance increases sexual desire, another strengthens confidence and openness. And another can make a relationship out of fear of desolation and sadness. “Kortikoliberin is rather a whip than sugar,” the Oxford authors admit. And be careful, we’re not going to see a pretty sci-fi song here. The list of substances in which science has revealed the supporters of love, sex, and relationship, is also given in the journal Futurist magazine by the world’s leading biological anthropologist Helen Fisher. “What are we going to do with all these dates? One society began to mix what our ancestors called the potion of love, “he says. The perfume called Liquid Trust contains oxytocin. “When we breathe it, it triggers feelings of trust and affection,” says the scientist.

Relation to Artificial Intelligence

And if “big data” as counselors and pills as a link to the relationship failed? There will be artificial intelligence, we always have the opportunity to make a relationship with ourselves. David Levy, a robot expert, says the first bond between man and robot will close by 2050. Heather Schlegel is also more cautious and mercenary in this respect. There is nothing wrong with the relationship between man and artificial intelligence. “We have a whole range of relationships with people. We have relationships with pets. Some people even have relationships with their cars.

Why is it so strange to have a relationship with our Artificial Intelligence facilities? “He asks. It’s a rhetorical question, her verdict is clear: no, it’s not bizarre at all. But she would not consider them as a partner. Rather for help. “They are the extension of ourselves,” he says. “Relationships will teach us like nothing else. And if there is more chance of learning about yourself through artificial intelligence, then it’s a good thing. “