The smart knowledge management system is a novel approach aimed at developing effective and practical intelligent systems used in decision making and problem-solving. Knowledge management refers to a set of processes used by organizations to discover, develop, explain, and dispense knowledge that can be reused, recognized, and learned within the organizations.

These processes are often associated with the goals of organizations and are purposed to attain specific objectives such as improved performance, shared knowledge, higher innovation levels, or a competitive edge. Efforts in developing intelligent systems are focused on information and knowledge management, an area largely regarded as critical in buttressing smart decision-making process. The advancement and use of smart techniques for information and knowledge management is an addition to the emerging field of intelligent system development. Intelligent systems have shown the potential of being key determinants of the success and future of the society in the 21st century.

Companies Knowledge

In companies, knowledge management involves a range of activities, including identifying knowledge sources, capturing and storing knowledge, sharing and disseminating knowledge, and applying knowledge to business processes and decision-making. Knowledge management can take many forms, from formal processes and systems to informal networks and communities of practice.

The potential to convert information into knowledge and use such knowledge in making critical decisions has been seen to make substantial contributions to intelligent industrial applications. Such a potential is understood as the capacity of a technology or system to function appropriately in uncertain settings or environments. Research, design, and industrial use of intelligent systems have attracted enormous attention in both academia and practitioners in a knowledge-based economy. Some of the uses of the smart knowledge management system include its application in Smart Grid Systems and in Context marketing and customer service.

knowledge management

Smart Grid Systems

Power systems are projected to undergo radical changes in the coming years particularly with the introduction of distributed generation and renewable sources which will largely impact the distribution networks. Traditionally, electrical energy generation was mainly based on elaborate concentrated power plants. Today, the need to reduce the carbon footprint and seeking new and efficient methods of generating and delivering power has played a fundamental role in the implementation of distributed generation. The existing energy deregulation policies also allow consumers to produce and sell energy. Such a liberalized market has called for customers to be involved in the energy sector using Smart Metering.

Organizational Knowledge

Organizational knowledge refers to the collective knowledge and expertise of an organization as a whole, as opposed to the knowledge of individual employees or teams. Organizational knowledge can be seen as a strategic asset that can be leveraged to create value, drive innovation, and enhance competitive advantage.

With the advancement in measuring technologies and sense, it is possible to have a dynamic and global view of the grid system and have an automated check for any violation in operating limits. Smart Grid enhances efficiency and empowers the consumers to take control of their energy expenditures and presents an unbreakable connection between power and communication systems. However, such changes have introduced new challenges that can be resolved using smart knowledge management systems. Centralized, hierarchical, and close systems need to be replaced with flexible information management systems. More intelligent and decentralized ways of controlling and coordinating information are required to make Smart Grid work as expected. Smart knowledge management systems can help achieve this objective by enabling electronic services based on communication from power suppliers to consumers.

knowledge management system

Smart Knowledge Management in context marketing and customer service

Context marketing aims to market messages as unique as possible for every customer. Messages are made to be custom, efficient, and successful. Customer service also seeks to achieve similar results as context marketing. Context clarifies the meaning of information or pieces of data. Marketers do understand the significance of context and always tailor their messages to specific individuals and events. In order to make advertisements to be more resonant with the target audience, an understanding of context is critical. Context marketing links communication to levels where it is most relevant, effective, or surpasses simple content marketing by integrating timing as an ingredient. Smart knowledge management offers the chance for information to be consumed or read by the target audience (customers). In order for information to have the best chance to be effective and reach the targeted audience, it is important that it perfectly marches with the issue and the customer type.

Knowledge Management Strategy

A knowledge management strategy is a plan for how an organization will manage and leverage its knowledge assets to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. A knowledge management strategy typically involves identifying key knowledge areas, establishing knowledge management processes and systems, and promoting a culture of knowledge sharing and learning within the organization.

Smart knowledge management applies contextual information from clients and employees to autonomously filter the existing knowledge base to a fraction of existing data and improve the relevance and accuracy of the presented information to customers. Knowledge can be used in smarter ways by time and personalize the delivery of knowledge to customers when it is most valuable. A couple of software has been developed to make this objective reached. Such systems organize knowledge in the form of content and smart companies develop resources such as articles and give external customers and internal employees access to such content.

A smart knowledge management system helps users to access, search, learn, and apply knowledge to solve problems. The systems allow employees to give contributions and enhance the quality of the information in the knowledge base. Companies can make enormous investments in smart knowledge management in order to reap the benefits of having customers and employees use information in creating solutions to their problems in a less expensive manner. As the system gets set, companies begin enjoying the benefits of information sharing among customers and employees.

Smart Knowledge Management: Leveraging Knowledge for Organizational Success

In today’s fast-paced and rapidly evolving business landscape, knowledge is one of the most valuable assets for organizations. From data and information to expertise and insights, knowledge is a critical resource that can drive innovation, improve performance, and create competitive advantages. However, managing and leveraging knowledge effectively is not always easy, especially in complex and dynamic environments. This is where Smart Knowledge Management (SKM) comes in.

Smart Knowledge Management refers to the use of advanced technologies and strategies to manage and leverage knowledge in a smarter and more effective way. SKM is concerned with the creation, sharing, integration, and use of knowledge across different domains, stakeholders, and contexts, with the aim of enhancing organizational performance and innovation.