Sustainability – the maintenance and betterment of the ecological, social, and economic health of a city.

“Sustainability” is a completely new model for the use of resources and the interaction between man and nature. The main goal is to build a new innovative environment with a society that cares about the environment. Sustainable development is also harmonious development, balanced development in the ecological segment involves in practice the solution of a wide range of problems.

In each segment of sustainable development, separate goals can be identified.
In the environmental segment:

  • Reducing emissions of all types;
  • recycling and reuse of materials;
  • rational consumption of natural resources;
  • introduction of comprehensive measures to conserve electricity, water, and other natural resources;
  • restoration of flora and fauna.

The rational resource allocation segment is characterized by the following:

  • efficient use of resources;
  • production according to the principles of sustainable development;
  • control and management of the product life cycle.

The social and economic segment involves areas such as:

  • building business ethics;
  • Improving the qualifications of employees, staff training;
  • keeping the population employed;
  • implementation of the principles of sustainable development with the preservation of jobs;
  • implementation of innovations and risk management;
  • observance of human rights;
  • investing in non-profit organizations that promote the principles of conscious living.

From these objectives, we can build a global goal of preserving a habitable world, which also includes controlling climate change, conserving biodiversity, and public health, and implementing environmental justice.

The main “pillar” of the principle of sustainable development is the introduction of innovations and innovations in all spheres of life. The task of innovation in this concept is to maintain a balance between human needs and the consumption of resources.

Today, the concept continues to be actively implemented in large, medium, and small businesses in the U.S. and several European countries. Therefore, it can be argued that the future has already arrived, and the transition to new eco-realities is becoming inevitable.

Compliance with modern norms implies that the brand is focused on two aspects: the first is the impact on the environment; the second is the impact on society. Simply put, if a modern company or brand as a whole cannot take responsibility for its actions, then the future of the company becomes unpredictable.