AI solutions for green technology to reduce CO2 emissions
These solutions will reduce CO2 emissions in the six participating cities and regions
These solutions will reduce CO2 emissions in the six participating cities and regions
in recent years, thanks to unprecedented growth and decision-makers working together. Finland’s capital is well on its way to becoming the best functioning city in the world.
Helsinki is the first interactive city that can be visited and virtually explored. Historical versions of the city will also be available
First test of autonomous transportation using an existing passenger Suomenlinna ferry.
Bout is a commercial P2P platform for organizing boat
transportation on demand. Its development is supported by the
Helsinki’s smart mobility program
For some kind of reward, users are invited to swap private transportation for public transportation, walking or cycling.
Bright Ageing testing sensors built into the lighting system and collect data. The analysis helps intelligent lighting to better meet needs.
A network of multifunctional street postal terminals Goal Improvement of the process of goods delivery and receipt Project Helsinki The Finnish government and the Finnish technology company Agora Networks plan to install a network of 200 smart postal terminals (digital kiosks) in all cities by the end of 2019. The postal terminals will not only […]
Allow residents to explore business models for using inadequate/unused buildings, developing structures, and providing space as a service
FABULOS (Future Automated Bus Urban Level Operation System) – Development of an AI system capable of controlling of public transport
Kalasatama Wellbeing – Improving the standard of living of citizens Goals Finding new solutions that will improve residents’ lives, through the implementation of digital solutions April – November 2018 Piloting digital solutions Project The Kalasatama Wellbeing program allows small and medium-sized enterprises or developers of digital solutions to test Kalasatama Wellbeing program enables small and […]
6Aika Smart Learning Environments of the Future aims to increase business opportunities for companies developing services, products, and technologies related to learning and smart physical and virtual learning environments. Another key objective is to promote the development of user-centered learning environments in the Six Cities. It also aims to develop effective and understandable models of […]
It’s preferable to see Smart Cities in this approach, with the use of technologies facilitating the interaction between different utilities..
The big data-based Smart City master plan focuses on IoT and AI-based traffic management.
Singapore’s ambitious Smart Nation initiative harness technology to improve livelihoods for all.
Waste management, digital kiosks, smart streetlights, security systems, air quality systems, and open data initiatives.
Buildings play a key role in the fight against climate change, using 40% of the energy consumed in cities. The improvements in the energy efficiency…
Energy savings in lighting are currently reached via the switch from traditional light sources to more efficient ones such as LEDs.
Urban stormwater is one of the biggest problems facing our waterways today. Urban cloudbursts and the resulting rapid stormwater that overflows along…