Tag Archives: dictionary L

Low Impact Development (LID) has been defined as “development that, through its adverse environmental impacts, either enhances or does not significantly degrade the quality of the environment.” The relationship between potential developers and UK planning authorities since the 1980s has led to a multitude of unique, locally adapted developments, often using natural, local, and reclaimed […]

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED – is an ecology-oriented building certification program run under the auspices of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Before the introduction of LEED, the construction industry had no established standard for defining what constituted an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly project. Since its introduction in 1998, the LEED system […]

Low-Power Devices: electronics that have been designed to consume less energy than traditional devices. This is essential to the future success of the IoT because as sensors become more advanced, devices must be able to operate longer without relying on manual maintenance or data loss.

Logo – a specially designed original lettering of the full or abbreviated name of a company or a group of products of that company. Is an individual graphic mark (drawing), a typographic spelling of a brand, or a combination of a graphic mark and a typographic spelling. The purpose of a logo is to communicate […]

A low-carbon city reduces its carbon footprint by focusing on renewable energy and mitigation measures. The “green” aspects of comprehensive stimulus programs Like all government plans for social and economic revitalization at all levels, comprehensive incentive programs are designed to help decarbonize cities. Urban investments can promote compact, integrated, multipurpose cities that reduce the distance […]

LPWAN Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) is a type of wireless telecommunication wide area network. It facilitates long-range communications at a low bit rate between connected objects. This network is through which city infrastructure can communicate. Is an approach in radio communication used for devices and large wireless telemetry networks. It features low power […]

Refers to the brightening of the night sky by artificial light sources, which can negatively impact flora and fauna and people’s health.