Tag Archives: ownership

Market economy- a set of economic relations that develop in the sphere of commodity-money relations on the market. The market economy has a complex structure – it includes several types of markets and developed infrastructure. The main types of markets are: a) market of goods and services, b) the market of factors of production, c) […]

Vienna is taking up global issues with flying colors, thanks to an innovative Smart City strategy. Browse strategy, mission and vision.

smart city dubai redesigned


November 8, 2021 CITIES

The Smart City vision of Dubai is to make Dubai the happiest city on Earth over the last 40 years.

Amsterdam smart city portrait


November 6, 2021 CITIES

Amsterdam Smart City realized through a partnership among businesses, authorities, research institutions, and the people.

Energy use in-network operation remains a priority for Ericsson and its Smart Cities customers. In addition, Ericsson’s research shows…

Qualcomm Technologies’ smart city solutions enable intelligent network connectivity and edge processing solutions in cities across the globe.

“How Big Oil Made The World”, or how much of the market did john d rockefeller control is the amazing contribution of investigative journalism by James Corbett on the operations of John D. Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Foundation, which reveals their huge influence on the oil industry and in shaping and controlling the world as we know […]