Technology, including sensors, AI, and smart city initiatives, will play a critical role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal services.
Technology, including sensors, AI, and smart city initiatives, will play a critical role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal services.
Discover the latest technology and initiatives driving the development of Tokyo as a smart city, from transportation to energy efficiency and more.
Dubai is a regional, vibrant economic hub with strategically competitive sectors such as tourism, trade and logistics, real estate…
Fortunately the situation is constantly changing for the better, green technological solutions are becoming cheaper…
Service robots will assist and also add value to customer services such as reception, instruction, and delivery in hotels, hospitals…
Smart City Boston is a leader in the global Vision Zero initiative to end serious traffic crashes.
Singapore’s ambitious Smart Nation initiative harness technology to improve livelihoods for all.
Robotic automation offers huge potential to enhance productivity, efficiency, and manufacturing flexibility in the construction industry.
Students of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) will participate in the production of Russian humanoid robots Robo-C, which copy the appearance of a person.
SAP Smart City concept says that government and the companies that serve the city’s citizens must undergo their own changes to keep up…
The insect robot DelFly, developed at the Delft University of Technology, decorated the home page of…
Until 2021, the human labor force will not need up to 6 percent of jobs. There will be dominant robots and artificial intelligence. This is particularly true of customer service. Also, taxi drivers and freight transport can be seriously threatened, Forrester says. These robots, or rather AI agents, will have system improvements. These systems will […]
A new discovery could be found in the production of human body spare parts, robotics, or the production of textiles.