Tag Archives: wireless

Finding innovative charging solutions for an electric vehicle. Goals Test and implement breakthrough electric vehicle charging technologies Project The New York City administration has launched a competition in two technology areas: New Technologies for Fast Charging and Smart Chargers for Electric Vehicles Examples: pavement powering electric vehicles, wireless (induction) charging, >350 kW charging. *** Electric […]

Wireless digital content delivery for theaters and distributors Description: Telecommunications company Telstra and distribution technology company Silver Trak Digital have launched a service to deliver digital content to movie theaters via 5G – Cinema Direct. The service is supported by Telstra’s network infrastructure. Content can be ordered through the Silver Trak portal. Cinemas receive digital […]

A connected device (or smart device) is an electronic device, generally connected to other devices or networks, that can operate to some extent interactively and autonomously. These days, a smart device is generally defined as a device that contains one or more parameters of digital communication networks. Because digital communication requires the use of a […]

Bluetooth Low Energy – also known as Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth Smart, or Wibree. It is a variant of the traditional Bluetooth standard that features significantly lower power consumption. It operates at 2.4 GHz and is designed primarily for direct wireless communication between devices.

LPWAN Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) is a type of wireless telecommunication wide area network. It facilitates long-range communications at a low bit rate between connected objects. This network is through which city infrastructure can communicate. Is an approach in radio communication used for devices and large wireless telemetry networks. It features low power […]

Mississauga smart city portrait


December 16, 2021 CITIES

Integrates physical, digital, and human systems in the built environment to deliver a sustainable future – a Smart City for Everybody!

The City of Stockholm has the very important task of reporting what is happening in Stockholm and the political decisions taken in the City Hall. We do…

Songdo smart city portrait


November 7, 2021 CITIES

The city of the future is networked, tuned in to the environment, livable, and interesting from an economic point of view.

Amsterdam smart city portrait


November 6, 2021 CITIES

Amsterdam Smart City realized through a partnership among businesses, authorities, research institutions, and the people.

Building Cities of the future. MONTEM develops intelligent infrastructure for different sectors on municipality and national levels.

Energy use in-network operation remains a priority for Ericsson and its Smart Cities customers. In addition, Ericsson’s research shows…

At Verizon, the goal is to improve the quality of life for people in smart cities around the world and increase efficiency in operations.

“Welcome to my city” is the Orange web and mobile-based urban services platform was created to make life easier for citizens and tourists.