The 6 Best Companies in the World of Quantum Computing

We explore the 6 most influential companies in the world of quantum computing that are changing our world.
Several technological advances have the potential to make as much as quantum computing, which could change industries around the world in unprecedented ways.

Quantum computers use quantum bits that can be 1s and 0s at the same time, allowing these machines to solve much more complex problems. Physicists believe that quantum computers can count many, including the most important ones used, for example, to retrieve information in opaque databases or to encrypt

Here are the 5 companies in the world of quantum computing.

6: Xanadu

Canadian quantum technology company Xanadu is a startup known for its work on photonic quantum computers that exploit the quantum properties of light particles.

Founded in 2016, Xanadu’s mission is to create useful and accessible quantum computers for people around the world.

The company is using free, open source software such as IBM’s Q Experience and Bristol University’s Quantum in the cloud, which allows most people to execute commands on a public quantum computer in the cloud


5: Toshiba

The goal of Toshiba’s Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) program is to secure network communications using the fundamental laws of quantum physics.

Since the start of quantum cryptography research at Toshiba Research Europe Limited’s Cambridge laboratory in 2003, the company has had several major worldwide successes.

4: Rigetti

Rigetti Computing creates and implements integrated quantum computing systems based on superconducting qubit technology. These systems enable organizations to extend their existing computing workflows with quantum processors.

Rigetti serves customers in the finance, insurance, pharmaceutical, defense, and energy sectors through proprietary software and full-featured modeling, optimization, and machine learning solutions

Headquartered in California, Rigetti has offices in Washington, DC, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

3: D-Wave

D-Wave systems use a process called quantum annealing to search for solutions to problems.

Quantum annealing is specifically designed to optimise both now and in the future, and D-Wave enables customers to solve larger, more complex problems and real-world issues faster.

Some of the world’s most advanced companies have D-Wave systems up and running, including Lockheed Martin, Google, NASA Ames, Volkswagen, USRA, USC and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

2: Google 

Google Quantum AI is driving the latest advances in quantum computing by developing tools to help researchers work beyond their traditional skills.

The goal of Google’s QUANTENKI lab is to develop a quantum computer that can solve real-world tasks at its Santa Barbara campus. Google will explore near-term applications compatible with a large, general-purpose quantum computer with error correction.

1 Out of the competition

IBM was the first to offer access to cloud quantum computing and continues to update and improve its technology.

The 433-kbit Osprey processor is scheduled for production these days and will be replaced by the more powerful 1,121-kbit Condor in 2023.

IBM is confident that this upgrade will solve problems better than a supercomputer.



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